Nana Mandl - never enough
In never enough, Nana Mandl presents a visually expansive and materially rich series of works that delves into the complexities of modern motherhood, digital culture, and self-representation. Through her intricate, multi-layered collages—composed of fabric, digitally printed textiles, embroidery, and drawing—Mandl invites us to explore what lies beneath the surface. -
Nana Mandlsmooch of the week (Lenny & Hannah), 2024textiles and embroidery on canvas, framed164 x 114 cm
64 5/8 x 44 7/8 in -
Another key element of Mandl’s work is text. Upon the surface of large scale works, letters are sewn which create a poetic dialogue with the visual elements of the figurative collages. Using rhythm, rhyme and double meaning, the text complicates the construction of meaning and context within the digital and the physical, the personal and the collective and the immediate and the profound.Mandl’s works unravel how digital culture and technology shapes our understanding of ourselves and others. Evoking the ever-changing nature of online existence, where identity and representation are constantly redefined, never enough invites reflection on the contradictions and complexity of modern life, social roles and pressures. Operating as haptic invitations to see beyond the surface, they call attention to the sensory richness of their materiality along with the tension between touch and image in the digital era.
never enoughmirror mirroron the wallit's your callyour reflectionfacing perfectionreliable distractionfrom the screamingtoddler to hearthe fits to fearthe sleepless nightsthe toothbrush fightsthe greasy fingers wipedin the couchthe ouchit's toughand never enoughnever time for blufffew moments to fakeyou get no brakefrom mental loadfrom clothes to folddishes to washgarbage to tossmeals to preparemonsters to scaretears to drytears to crysighs to sighwhy why whyis there so muchto careto be awareto feel unfaircommitted to healand dare to revealbecause the 24/7promised heavenmight not feellike the perfect dealready to sealfor real
About the artist:Nana Mandl (b. 1991 in Graz, Austria) studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee and received her diploma in fine arts at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Nana Mandl is also a founding member and current contributor to the internationally active artist collective CLUB FORTUNA and winner of the 2024 Strabag Art Award.In her colourful material collages, pictures, prints and sculptures, Nana Mandl develops possible visual implementations of today's media challenges and excessive demands. Her haptic collages combine elements of painting, embroidery and drawing with forms of communicative-representative spheres of advertising, fashion, pop culture and social media.
Nana Mandl: Never Enough
Past viewing_room